The Platform (2019) meets Legend (1985) — Newton Handle megadungeon [Lv4]

sean f. smith / he, him
4 min readFeb 3, 2023


black and white closeup of an antique coffin net

Lv4 — Laborious

Each of the zones of the dungeon level are arranged much like a home: small connecting corridors and archways, that functionally every room in a zone is connected to the others.

Passages between segments lead between vowel-keyed rooms. (The letter I has been replaced by the letter X so as not to be confused with the number 1.)

Fallen bakery

Terracotta bricks line the walls; bare stone floor peppered with dry mustardseed.

A — historical cornucopia

A carved cornucopia is set into one of the walls from which a faint noise can be heard. Pressing an ear close hears a constant stream of information about events from the mythic past.

Reinforced stone corridor leads to {4X}.

B — storage

Empty shelves made from stone-reinforced wood and a cold smell of warm bread.

C — storage

Empty shelves made from stone-reinforced wood and a cold smell of warm bread.

D — worktop

Stone-reinforced kitchen counter. The heady smell of yeast is almost overwhelming (it still lives in the air above).

Beneath the worktop is a secret passage to {4W}.

E — blind larva

In the old ovens, suffuse with slimy, a psionic larva resides (uncommon threat). It is old and tetchy and hasn’t been worshipped as it expects for many years.

A reinforced stone corridor leads to {4O}.

F — fresco

Three of the walls in this room are covered in a great fresco displaying many acts of athletic wonder. The style is easily several centuries old.


Brass plates over terracotta bricks on the wall. Faded woven carpets on the floors.

G — gap

A marble plinth has been upturned and the statue is absent. In the whole where the plinth was exists a narrow shaft to {5G}.

H — mane

A marble plinth holds a dull brass statue of a female lion, stood like a prancing horse.

X — amphibian

A marble plinth holds a vivid brass statue of a frogman, posed like you might expect on a heraldic shield. The frogman is icy cold to the touch.

Reinforced stone corridors lead to {4E} and {4Y}.

J — coastline

An empty marble plinth is topped with a dull brass plate. The room has a faint seawater smell.

K — fountain

A marble fountain with vivid brass decoration holds a brownish liquid that smells hearty and salty. It is broth and it remains magically fresh whilst in the fountain (it ages normally afterwards).

L — chill

A marble plinth is topped with an ice carving of a male lion, seated as a cat loaf. It smells of seawater.

Warm caverns

Natural unworked walls. Barely worked floors, just enough not to trip.

M — bread

A long thin cave that smells deeply of baked bread.

N — oven

A short wide cave that’s too warm to sleep in.

A natural passage runs to {4S}.

Corroded chapel

The walls and floor here were once both bricked with terracotta, but the material has seethed and warped like chaos-stone.

O — quicksand

The floor here is in constant motion and behaves as quicksand when anyone steps on it (common environmental threat).

Reinforced stone passageways lead to {4E} and {4U}.

P — quicksand

The floor here is in constant motion and behaves as quicksand when anyone steps on it (common environmental threat).

Q — mythic cornucopia

A carved cornucopia is set into one of the walls from which a faint noise can be heard. Pressing an ear close hears a constant stream of information about stories from the mythic past.

R — food of the gods

A shrine is laid out with a hot buffet. Anyone eating the food without first throwing some on the floor will be hounded by divine unluck until they repent.

Neglected nave

The walls and floors are clad in terracotta bricks, albeit in poor repair.

S — fountain

A marble fountain with vivid brass decoration holds a brownish liquid that smells hearty and salty. It is broth and it remains magically fresh whilst in the fountain (it ages normally afterwards).

Behind the fountain a natural opening in rock leads to {4N}.

T — despair

A marble plinth is empty and the distant sound of sobbing women can be heard, though it cannot be placed.

U — pastoral cornucopia

A carved cornucopia is set into one of the walls from which a faint noise can be heard. Pressing an ear close hears a constant stream of information about countryside from the mythic past.


The walls are parquet tiles in phenomenal condition and the walls are terracotta brick, as if untouched.

V — horses

The entire room is taken with a pristine brass statue depicting a working stables. Every animal is distinct and the overall effect is incredible.

W — drink

A pristine brass fountain spews chilled crystal-clear water.

A passage leads to the secret entrance to {4D} and an arch opens onto a natural passage to {4Z}.

Y — shaft

The brick-lined room is taken up by a wide, wide shaft down to {5Y}.

Z — haze

This brick-lined room is suffuse with a thick odorless haze, its source impenetrable.

Wandering encounters

Check 1-in-6 each turn.

  • 1–3: brass-mask construct (uncommon threat)
  • 4–5: mindless undead (uncommon threat)
  • 6: aberrant devotee (rare threat)

