Roc + Scallop — level two

sean f. smith / he, him
4 min readFeb 27, 2025


One of the tiles in the shrine room hinges to show a rigid ladder leading to the exterior cart-room (211) here. The RAT-MEN on this level pulled back because of a turf war with SKINKS on the third level, which distracted them from the arrival of the ROCSPREY above.

Workshop level features

Dimly lit throughout, though bright in rooms with routes up or down. Knapped flint walls and typically bare stone floors, though rooms with traps are tiled.

Wooden doors liable to stick from the coastal humidity — all must be forced. The door to the tool store (242) is padlocked. 1-in-3 RAT-MEN have a key.

Workshop level key

211 — cart-tracks

  • This vast room is lit by arcanotech strip lights at the top of northern and eastern walls. Along those walls, a narrow-gauge rail, with three (empty) carts. Each time they’re moved, there’s a 1-in-3 chance of metal screeching, prompting a D3 roll on the wandering encounter table.
  • In the southwest corner, a rigid ladder leads up to a hidden trapdoor in the shrine on level one.

222 — pulley system

  • In the northeast corner of the room, a pulley system with floating platform that gives access to the floor below (coming soon!). The spiral staircase nearby leads to the same floor.
  • An iron-banded chest sits in the northwest corner, riveted to a metal panel on the floor. Tampering with the chest causes the panel to disengage its lock and swing open. Falling to the floor beneath deals 4D6 damage. The chest contains 300gp, 2000sp, and 10,000cp to bulk out the weight.

223 — mulch-room

  • The room stinks, thanks to the enormous compost pile in its centre. Little has been thrown in recently and the VERMIN are hungry.

VERMIN: HD2, ML11; as leather; maw and claw

224 — toolcare

  • A simple workroom with benches along the north wall. Various oils and cloths shelved and hanging above them. Ingrained oil smell immediately recognisable to anyone who’s maintained metal (eg. veterans, blacksmiths, jewellers).

232 — workshop

  • Benches in the centre of the room with tidied away woodwork projects. Stalls stacked in the northeast corner of the room.
  • An iron-banded chest sits in the northwest corner, riveted to a metal panel on the floor. Tampering with the chest causes the panel to disengage its lock and swing open. Falling to the floor beneath deals 4D6 damage. The chest contains 120gp, 2000sp and 2000cp.

233 — kitchen

  • A spartan kitchen reasonably stocked with dried meats and dehydrated vegetables. Large jars of spiced mushroom powder.

234 — holograph blueprints

  • A wide table supports a complex convex crystal adhered to the north wall. A wide alcove beneath the table is covered in the residue of candelwax. Placing a light source in this space illuminates the crystal’s fragmentation, creating a holographic CAD* image of a two-masted tall ship.
  • It’s possible to force a wooden panel behind the alcove, then crawl beyond that to an opening in the cave wall outside, 50FT above sea level.

* Crystal-aided design

242 — tool store

  • The door to this room is locked. 1-in-3 RAT-MEN have the key.
  • Dozens of shelves and racks contain high-end woodworking tools.
  • An iron-banded chest sits in the northeast corner, riveted to a metal panel on the floor. This panel is riveted to a solid floor. The chest contains 250gp, 2000sp, 5000cp and a scroll of detect law.

243 — rat-man rear base

  • A combination common room and barracks, with a small fire in the living room portion.
  • Seven RAT-MEN and two RAT-MAN FOREMEN are “relaxing”. It’s tricky to genuinely rest when you’re going to have to return to fighting some horrid SKINKS.
  • An iron-banded chest sits on the western wall, riveted to a metal panel on the floor. Tampering with the chest causes the panel to disengage its lock and swing open. Falling to the floor beneath deals 4D6 damage. The chest contains 450gp, 2500sp, one 800gp emerald, three 90gp topazes, and a rope of entanglement.
  • A rigid metal ladder leads down to the floor below (coming soon!).

RAT MAN: HD1+1, ML7; as chain; whip or bill-hook

FOREMAN: HD1+1 (max hp), ML8; as chain; warhammer

252 — oil-room

  • A waist-height ceramic pool with a blue wax seal, full of a multipurpose oil. Whistling breeze through manufactured vents.
  • Three RAT-MEN, maintaining room fittings.
  • An iron-banded chest sits in the northeast corner, riveted to a metal panel on the floor. Tampering with the chest causes the panel to disengage its lock and swing open. Falling to the floor beneath deals 4D6 damage. The chest contains 120gp, 2000sp and 2000cp.

RAT MAN: HD1+1, ML7; as chain; whip or billhook

Wandering encounters

1-in-6 each turn.

  • 1: small gang of VERMIN (cf. 223)
  • 2–5: that many RAT-MEN with FOREMAN (cf. 243)
  • 6: pair of SKINK COMMANDOS

SKINK COMMANDO: HD4, ML6; as leather; baselard, bite, or blinding bile



sean f. smith / he, him
sean f. smith / he, him

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