Not just Dragon Warriors, but also psychic-monk-warriors

sean f. smith / he, him
4 min readAug 16, 2024


Enter a world of magic, folklore and danger. Here, superstition covers peoples’ lives like autumn mists cover the moors, and terrifying monsters with bizarre powers lurk in the shadows.

Dragon Warriors blurb, available here

Perhaps you want to explore the lands of Legend, but have played too many Knights and Mystics. Perhaps you hearken back to gamebooks of your youth, and wish to play a caste of psychic warrior monks protecting the wilderness from the horrid forces of darkness incarnate.

front and back of a map ─ the front side is a colour illustration of the north-eastern portion of a continent, the rear side is black and white with details and a larger map illustration
Maps of Sommerlund and the rest of Magnamund available from Cubicle 7

New class: Lavakhai Initiate

  1. Roll 3D6 for Strength, Reflexes, Intelligence, Psychic Talent, and Looks as usual. If Psychic Talent is less than nine, raise it to nine.
  2. Health Points: roll 1D6+6
  3. Basic ATTACK 12, DEFENCE 6
  5. Basic EVASION 6
  6. Roll 1D8 to determine a starting Discipline (see below). Choose one other Discipline)
  7. Initially equipped with hardened leather armour (AF2), quarterstaff, lantern, flint + tinder, backpack, 2D10 Florins, and any one weapon you’ve Weaponskill with

Increasing in Rank

  • +1 to both DEFENCE and MAGICAL DEFENCE each time the character increases in rank
  • +1 to ATTACK and MAGICAL ATTACK each time the character reaches an odd rank — 3rd, 5th, 7th, ect.
  • +1 to Health Points each time the character reaches an even rank — 2nd, 4th, ect.
  • Gain one new Lavakhai Discipline upon 4th rank and another upon 7th, and so on

Lavakhai Disciplines

Thanks to the determination of the monks who have come before, Lavakhai initiates have honed their abilities well beyond the scope of usual humans. At creation, your character has learned two of the following Disciplines — one chosen at random and one determined by choice.

  1. ANIMAL RAPPORT. You have an empathetic bond with animals, which you can use to calm or enrage them. Animals can be friendly, wary, or hostile. Roll under your MAGICAL ATTACK minus your ARMOUR FACTOR to change which mood an animal is in. For friendly and wary animals, roll 1D20; for hostile animals, roll 2D10. A single roll effects as many animals as your rank.
  2. CAMOUFLAGE. You seamlessly blend in with your surroundings thanks to a more vivid awareness of subtle changes in your environment. Add your MAGICAL DEFENCE to your STEALTH SCORE. At 4th rank, you are invisible if you remain motionless.
  3. CLAIRPOTENCE. Your senses are honed to the point of acting independently. Add your rank to your EVASION. At 4th rank, you take half damage from mundane elemental sources. At 7th rank, you take half damage from magical elemental sources.
  4. HEALING. Your body wants to keep itself hale. You’ve trained your awareness to limit anything that would inhibit its natural healing process. Instead of healing HP equal to your rank each day, regain HP equal to your rank each hour. At 4th rank, you take half the impact of mundane poisons. At 7th rank, you are immune to mundane poisons.
  5. PSI-BLAST. You can amplify the resonances of your thought processes to cause pain and confusion in people that you fight. Each combat round, add your rank to either your ATTACK or DEFENCE. At the end of combat in which you used psi-blast, lose 1HP. Undead creatures and magical constructs are immune to the effect of psi-blast. When you reach 7th rank, you no longer lose HP for using psi-blast.
  6. PSI-BLOCK. You can amplify the resonances of your thoughts and emotions to create a barrier against psychic and elemental assault. Add your rank to your MAGICAL DEFENCE. At 4th rank, you can extend this protection to your adjacent allies at the cost of 1HP per ally per combat. At 7th rank, you can increase the range of this to any ally you can see.
  7. TRACKING. You have trained your senses on minute variations in your environment, and what that means for creatures that have moved through. Roll under your MAGICAL ATTACK minus your ARMOUR FACTOR to understand what happened at a location as if you’d been there to watch. At 4th rank, you cannot become lost in mundane environments. At 7th rank, you cannot lose a trail, even when it has been actively hidden.
  8. WEAPONSKILL. You are a savant in the use of specific weapons. When you select this Discipline, determine two weapons — one at random and the other by choice. While wielding these weapons, resist half of all DEFENCE spends on your attacks. At 4th rank, add another weapon to this list at random. At 7th rank, add another weapon to this list by choice.
  • Weaponskill options: 1. battleax, 2. bow, 3. dagger, 4. halberd, 5. morning star, 6. spear, 7. staff, 8. sword.

Dragon Warriors is available pay-what-you-want at DriveThruRPG. For further fan content, check out The Cobwebbed Forest and Casket of Fays.

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sean f. smith / he, him
sean f. smith / he, him

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